I wish I could give credit to the person who said, "Life begins at the edge of our comfort zone." , but can't find the source, which has something to do with a clogged memory. I have taped it up on the wall as inspiration when doubt about a new direction or project looks me in the eye. I'm often amazed, with all the experience and opportunities I have been given, at what a small comfort zone I can get in to.
Last week I started taking figure study classes. They are the first in over 40 years, and as an artist, that is not something to be proud of. The instructor is a well-known painter whose work I have admired for years. I found out two things from the first class, in addition to figure study. I am more comfortable teaching than learning. and the woman who is teaching spends an enormous time studying with artists that she admires. The last fact was a needed kick in the butt.
I do a lot of consultation with other authors and illustrators who are working their way into publishing, a lot of speaking at conferences and schools and I teach art lessons on the weekends. It is easy to pass on what you already know or believe. It becomes easy to stay in the role of the teacher, but I need to be a student this year in order order to improve my own art and writing. So I will be taking classes on and off for most of the year ...both figure study and plein air, and always in writing.
What I have ended up admiring over the last few years of teaching and speaking is how eagerly those who can leave their ego at the door embrace being taught. When you are willing to take a class, learn a new skill, the first thing you have to do is come to terms with the fact that your world needs to expand, to become bigger, and a little uncomfortable as you start your learning curve. But it also becomes exciting, and by the end of the class last Friday, I was happily exhausted, remembering that there is no where better to be than at the beginning of a steep climb to new skills and understandings.
For those who have studied with me, embraced things being thrown at you in large doses, thank you for squirming through your discomfort to constantly improve. For each and every time I teach or speak I am allowed to strengthen what I know...or to sometimes explore it with you and make a change. I am learning from you, not only what I know about my craft or don't know, but how to leave my ego at the door when I am the student..
Happy New Year!